
How to save a PDF

If you would like to save the page you’re viewing as a PDF document, here are the steps:

  1. 点击 icon with 3 stacked dots Setting button with vertical dots / Setting button with horizontal dots or Setting button with stacked lines lines to the right of the URL bar at the top of your browser
  2. Select the “打印” option
  3. A pop up window like this one should appear, ensure the Destination field is set to “Save as PDF” (this may be a dropdown or “Change” button)
  4. 点击 “保存”, then select the location and name for the file on your computer

What do you need to cross off your to-do list today?

The Small City Center offers resources for cities with populations under 2,500. Find essential information to help you tackle common and critical tasks below.


预算 & 金融icon of a financial chart

I need to…

Know and meet deadlines

Understand funds and bonds

Learn about the budgeting process from start to finish


Meetings, Councils, Rolesa blue ribbon with a check mark in the center

I need to…

Review Open Meeting Law

Determine if a meeting should be 关闭d

Notice a meeting correctly

Know when not to schedule council meetings

招聘, Benefits, Policiesicon of a worker in a hat and overalls

I need to…

Retain staff

Prepare for interviewing and hiring

Draft personnel policies

Address a performance issue


选举a ballot or checklist with a magnifying glass

I need to…

Fill a vacancy

Determine when council can meet

Learn about running an election

an icon of a clock or timer报道 & 风险

I need to…

Report damage

Review a contract

Get cybersecurity support

Administration Paper with generic list icon

I need to…

Post or publish something

Speak to my legislator

Learn Online

MemberLearn courses are custom designed especially for Minnesota’s city leaders.

Human 稳定的十大彩票网站: Tips for Seasonal 招聘

金融: The Budgeting Process

Governance: Conflict of Interest